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F13 玫瑰 * 百合 * 桔梗 $480
玫瑰 * 百合 * 桔梗 $480
訂購電話 5111 8196
玫瑰 * 百合 * 桔梗 $480
訂購電話 5111 8196
Lilium * Roses * Clematis $480
Please download the Order Form and email the filled Form to csupport@florist-lili.hk or WhatsApp 5111 8196 the following information to our florist.
1. Reference no.,
2. Delivery date, time and place,
3. Name and phone no. of recipient.Please deposit the amount two days before the date of delivery to the account of " Florist Lili " / " 莉軒 ":-
Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd.
account no. 338-14-32174-6 or
Bank of China account no.